A relatively unknown fruit could work wonders for the body due to its high fibre, vitamin C, and potassium content. According to health experts, this tasty snack could even help regulate blood pressure and protect the heart.
The fruit in question is known as the custard apple – or the cherimoya. The reason you might not have heard of it is because it is more widely found outside the UK, in parts of South America, Asia, and Spain.
It is a large, green, conical or heart-shaped fruit, which is said to taste like a combination of banana, pineapple, strawberry, and mango. But its delicious flavour aside, the custard apple boasts a number of health benefits.
As reported by Alimente, a Spanish health and lifestyle website, the fibre content of custard apples surpasses that of kiwi, making it an “excellent ally” for intestinal transit. Additionally, its vitamin C content boosts defences and aids in collagen formation, while its richness in potassium supports muscle function and fluid elimination.
And without significant fats or proteins, this fruit is a healthy and light option for any diet. According to Women’s Health, the fibre and antioxidant content of custard apples could help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
It said: “The high levels of fibre and antioxidants in custard apples, most noteworthily polyphenols, are known to improve cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress — both which can increase risk of heart disease.”
Moreover, the fruit could help to stabilise blood pressure levels. “High in potassium (one cup contains 617.5mg — 10 percent of recommended daily allowance) and magnesium (one cup contains 52.5mg — six percent of RDA), nutrients which are known to help regulate blood pressure, it’s thought consuming custard apples could help dilate blood vessels, thereby lessening the risk of heart disease and stroke,” they said.
However, it is important to note that custard apples contain a toxin called annonacin, so you must make sure you remove the skin and stones, and consume in moderation. “This is also advisable as, despite all these superstar benefits, they are high in calories and sugar,” Women’s Health added.
The website also said the fruit is high in antioxidants, mood-boosting B6, and immunity-boosting vitamin C, and can:
To eat a custard apple you cut it in half, removing the black seeds, and eat its pulp directly with a spoon. It is also suitable for making sorbets, smoothies, or even jams.
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