HomeBangladeshRyan Wellings sentencing RECAP as Kiena Dawes' ex learns fate over abuse...

Ryan Wellings sentencing RECAP as Kiena Dawes’ ex learns fate over abuse before suicide


A thug who subjected his former fiancée to years of horrific abuse before she took her own life has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison.

Ryan Wellings was found guilty of assault and controlling and coercive behaviour after a six-week trial at Preston Crown Court during which the jury heard heartbreaking details of the abuse Kiena Dawes, 23, endured over a two-year period. Wellings, 30, was found not guilty of Kiena’s manslaughter after she took her own life having left her eight-month-old baby girl and a suicide note penned on her phone at a friend’s home.

Sentencing Wellings, Judge Robert Altham described him as a “clear danger to any partner you have in the future”. He added that Wellings has “shown no remorse”. Wellings was handed four years for coercive and controlling behaviour and two years to run consecutively for assault for the charges relating to Kiena. He was also handed six months to run consecutively for the assault of his friend, Scott Fletcher, who was left needing stitches to his eye after a row over a taxi fare.

The trial heard how Wellings subjected Kiena to a prolonged campaign of abuse before she was found dead on a railway track near Garstang, Lancashire, in July 2022. In the tragic final note left by hairdresser Kiena, rom Fleetwood, she wrote that she had been “murdered” by Wellings.

Wellings, a landscape gardender from Bispham, Lancashire, claimed his relationship with Kiena was “loving” and he didn’t accept his conduct caused her death, saying her underlying mental health issues may have caused her to take her own life. The court heard that Wellings’ abuse was a “significant factor” in Kiena’s decision to end her life, with the last attack just 11 days before her death.

In her heartbreaking suicide note, Kiena wrote: “The end. I fought hard, I fought long. went through pain no one could imagine. No one will know what I went through. I was murdered. Slowly. They tortured me, till there was nothing left. I lost my fight but I didn’t give up my battle. I fought till the end. Ryan Wellings killed me.”

Wellings has arrived at Preston Crown Court due to be sentenced for assault and coercive and controlling behaviour to Kiena Dawes today.

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Ryan Wellings, 30, has been jailed for six-and-a-half years for the abuse and assault of his partner Kiena Dawes – who took her own life in 2022.

The landscape gardener was convicted of controlling and coercive behaviour and ABH after a six week trial at Preston Crown Court. The jury aquitted Wellings of manslaughter, but he was also sentenced for a separate attack on a pal, committed while on bail for the charges against Kiena.

Handing down the sentence, the Honorary Recorder of Preston, Judge Robert Altham, said: “You are to be sentenced on conviction for coercive control of Kiena from January 2020 to July 2022, and ABH on July 11, 2022. You are also to be sentenced upon your plea for the assault on Scott Fletcher in August 2023. There is no prospect of a sentence other than immediate custody.

“I will pass consecutive sentences for the offences against Ms Dawes. Your overall criminality can not sufficiently be represented by concurrent sentences. The sentence in relation to Scottt Fletcher must also attract a consecutive sentence.”


After enduring more than two years of sick threats, violence and mental terror, Kiena Dawes felt there was nowhere left to turn.

The young mum, 23, devastatingly took her own life on July 22, 2022, having been “let down” by the police after reporting domestic abuse incidents five times. Wellings meanwhile warned her that no one would believe her complaints about him due to her mental illnes.

In a harrowing suicide note, she wrote how she’d been “tortured” until there was “nothing left”. Her death came 11 days after one final horrendous assault that saw her call 999 as she was drenched in blood from a gash on her head.

Kiena made multiple attempts to escape Wellings during his vile campaign of abuse before taking her own life at a Lancashire train station.

Read the full story here: Kiena Dawes’ desperate 10 attempts to escape evil boyfriend

Ryan Wellings was taken away to begin his jail term shortly after 4pm and showed “no emotion” throughout his sentencing hearing today.

Mr Greaney KC thanked police officers and staff who gathered evidence and supported the bereaved family throughout the investigation. HHJ Altham added that the police working on the case should be commended for their dilligence and professionalism.

Ryan Wellings was today sentenced to six years and six months behind bars – this time, without the support of his new girlfriend in the courtroom.

Before his ex Kiena Dawes’ took her own life on July 22, 2022, she wrote about how she’d been “tortured” until there was “nothing left”. But despite the violence and cruelty Wellings showed Kiena, there was one woman by his side in court, his new girlfriend Emma Croft.

At the hearing on Monday, he blew a kiss towards his new partner, who strikingly resembles his late ex, with her long brown hair. But at the sentencing today, Emma was nowhere to be seen, and Wellings instead had the support of his mother, Lisa Green.

As the news emerged that Croft had lost her job after publicly supporting the convicted thug, fresh fury came from Kiena’s best friend, Kirsty Brunn, who slammed Croft for laying flowers in memory of Kiena and sharing Facebook posts from Kiena’s brother. Expressing her fury in a Facebook post, she said: “She’s even took flowers for Kiena.”

Read the full story here: Kiena Dawes replaced by lookalike girlfriend who left her disturbing gift

Following Wellings’ conviction, DCI Andy Fallows, of Lancashire Police, said: “Kiena Dawes was a devoted and loving mother who, despite her personal challenges, was determined to give her baby girl the best life she could. Ryan Wellings took Kiena’s love and in return launched a concerted campaign of emotional, mental and physical abuse.

“Over a two-and-a-half-year period, Wellings broke her spirit. He isolated Kiena, belittled and abused her, controlled her, subjected her to violence and made her believe that she would never escape him. I would like to thank the jury for their considered verdict in what has been an extremely harrowing and complex case. While we and Kiena’s family are disappointed that they didn’t come back with a manslaughter verdict, we are pleased the jury recognised that Wellings was guilty of criminal wrongdoing by the guilty verdicts they did come back with today.

“I want to praise the Dawes’ family for the dignified manner in which they have behaved during this highly emotional trial. Day after day they have sat in court and listened to the truly abhorrent way in which Wellings behaved towards Kiena. While lessons will undoubtedly be learned from this case, I want to take this opportunity to appeal directly to anyone who finds themself in an abusive relationship or knows or suspects someone else might be. Please make contact with the authorities or reach out to domestic abuse organisations for help and support.

“Although today’s headlines will understandably be about Ryan Wellings and today’s verdict, I don’t want Kiena, the victim, to get lost or forgotten about. Kiena was a fun-loving, kind and sensitive young woman who had her whole life ahead of her. She was a mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter and friend who died in extremely tragic circumstances.”

As Wellings begins his sentence of six-and-a-half years behind bars, a legal expert has unveiled what his future could look like. Speaking to The Mirror, John Eastham, who has more than 20 years of experience in law and cases involving coercive behaviour, said Wellings may be the target of attacks by fellow inmates to regard his vile crimes, including beating his pregnant girlfriend as deplorable.

“Men convicted of coercive control offences often face a unique set of challenges during their incarceration,” Mr Eastham, from Private Investigations UK, told The Mirror. “While coercive control is a relatively recent addition to criminal law, its seriousness is widely acknowledged, with perpetrators frequently being viewed with disdain by both the public and fellow inmates.”

Since Wellings was charged in November 2024, Kiena’s tragic case has received nationwide media attention, with domestic abuse charities shining a light on the lessons that must be learned from her death. Mr Eastham said the significant public attention could heighten the scrutiny on Wellings in prison and he might find himself “isolated or targeted” due to the nature of his crimes.

“Wellings’ case has received widespread media coverage, which can have a lasting impact on his experience in the prison system. Inmates who attract significant public attention may face heightened scrutiny from both prison staff and fellow prisoners,” Mr Eastham said. “This could lead to Wellings being placed under protective measures, such as solitary confinement or transfer to a specialised unit, to ensure his safety.”

Read the full story here.

Reading out the sentence, Judge Altham said: “I will pass consecutive sentences for the offences against Ms Dawes. Your overall criminality can not sufficiently be represented by concurrent sentences. The sentence in relation to Scottt Fletcher must attract a consecutive sentence.

“For coercive control four years, ABH two years, and a further six months for the offence against Scott Fletcher. You will serve half the sentence and be released on licence with conditions. Go with the officer.”

Wellings has been taken to start his sentence. He has shown no emotion throughout today’s hearing.

Ryan Wellings, 30, has been sentenced to consecutive sentences for his charges against Kiena Dawes. He was handed four years for coercive and controlling behaviour and two years for assault, meaning a sentence totalling six years. He was also handed six months for the assault on Mr Fletcher meaning Ryan Wellings has been sentenced to a total of six years and six months in prison.

Judge Altham told Wellings: “You have a conviction for assaulting your ex as she drove you home from a night of drinking and taking cocaine. Offending in a domestic context is more serious because it represents a violation of the trust in an intimate or family relationship.”

He went on to say: “Every higher culpability factor exists. The offence is aggravated by your record, the fact much was committed while under the influence of cocaine. The ABH is aggravated by being committed in a domestic setting. You left Ms Dawes unconscious on the floor and ignored her pleas for help. It is a seriously aggravating factor that this was committed in front of her daughter. She was vulnerable due to her mental health problems. You were on bail and intoxicated at the time of the offence against Mr Fletcher.

Judge Altham said Ryan Wellings has shown no remorse and is a “clear danger to any partner you have in the future”.

As he continued addressing Wellings during his sentencing remarks, the judge said: “The jury aquitted you of her manslaughter so I must sentence you on the basis you have no criminal responsibility for her death however, from May 2020 you abused demeaned and belittled her and by the time she died it was plain she believed your lies. None of it was true.

“Everyone who knew and cared for her regarded her as a truly wonderful person. We heard from family, friends and clients in the trial who spoke warmly of her. The overwhelming evidence is that you persuaded her that everything was her fault even when you beat her. You said you did everything you could to help with her mental health problems and never assaulted her.

“I reject the view that Kiena had any power in this relationship. Count two (ABH) was not spontaneous. Earlier the radiator was pulled from the wall in an attack. The control for the alarm was kept in the car.

“You have shown no remorse. You lack insight. Though an extended determinate sentence is not available in this case you are a clear danger. Much of what Kiena’s family say is about the loss of her but they also speak of the effect of your coercive control.”

Continuing his sentencing remarks, Judge Altham told Welilngs: “On July 4 she suffered a crisis and you appeared to be supportive but on the [July 11] you assaulted her at your flat in front of her daughter. By this time she had an emergency alarm from the police but you persuaded her to keep the control in the car.

“That day she was tidying up for a landlord inspection. She tidied your sandpaper and you kicked the hoover which she had recently bought as you had sold her last one to buy cocaine. She triggered the alarm by pulling it from the wall. As you keft you kicked the door into her. She came round to her baby daughter looking at her which played on her mind.

“She told friends she could no longe bear to be in the flat where it happened. She was haunted by the memory of her daughter looking at her while she was bleeding on the floor. She started to look for a new home but on July 22 she droped her daughter at a friends in a child seat. She left a suicide note saying things about a number of pople including calling you a monster and saying Ryan Wellings killed me.”

Judge Altham has told the court Wellings displayed a ‘pattern of affection followed by abuse’ during his relationship with Kiena Dawes. Speaking to Wellings in the dock, he said: “You were affectionate when the relationship began but in May 2020 you threw her onto a table and threw her into broken glass such that she cut her foot. From then on there was a pattern of affection followed by abuse. The next incident happened at the home of your ex when you dragged Kiena to the floor by her hair.

“In 2021 you pushed her into a wadrobe. On July 5 while she was pregnant with your daughter you slapped her and gave her a black eye. In evidence you said you were defending yourself but in light of your apology by text I’m sure you attacked her. On the next occasion you pushed her head into the baby bath and told her to say bye to her daughter. That night she tried to jump from the window and bruised her legs. In other incidents you repeatedly hit her.

“On December 28 2021 you turned your electric drill in her face and threatened to drill her teeth out. She fled the flat with her daughter and took refuge with a friend. You repeatedly threatened her with acid attacks, referencing well known cases in the media. Knowing her mental health you repeatedly told her she may as well kill herself.

“You persuaded her if she called the police her baby would be taken. You persuaded her she was an unfit mother and her family and friends no longer cared about her. You told her she was nothing without you.

“You called her dead father terible names and threatened to flush his ashes down the toilet. You used his aftershave which she kept as the smell reminded her of him, knowing it would upset her. You threatened her such that she had to move her car. You separated her from friends. When she went shopping with the sister of her ex boyfriend they walked separately, just in case you saw her with someone connected with her ex. You told her her dead father would be ashamed of her, you tried to persuade her she was incompetent with her work which she took pride in.”

Addressing Wellings, Judge Altham said: “You are to be sentenced on conviction for coercive control of Kiena from January 2020 to July 2022, and ABH on July 11, 2022. You are also to be sentenced upon your plea for the assault on Scott Fletcher in August 2023. There is no prospect of a sentence other than immediate custody.

“I remind myself I must be satisfied of the factual basis on which I sentence and those findings are consistent with the jury verdict. Kiena Dawes was a popular vivacious friendly and kind young woman. Those facts were in no way diminished by the fact she along with many others had mental health problems and she was vulnerable to abuse.”

Ryan Wellings is back in the dock as the court prepares to hear his sentence.

Judge Altham has retired to consider his sentence for Wellings. There will be a short break in the courts until around 3.40pm. Wellings will be held in a cell until the judge returns.

Addressing whether sentences should run consecutively or concurrently, Mr Jones said the issue is whether the July 11 assault was impulsive, arguing that it is. He says the act of Wellings was to slam or kick the door as he was leaving, causing the blow that inflicted injury on Kiena.

“If that was not a spontaneous act it was impulsive,” he said. “The defendant indicated a difficulty in controlling his behaviour. This is an exmaple of an act of impulsivity caused by his temper.

“With regard to harm, the defence says this is not and cannot be described as ‘the most serious type of injury’. It was significant and unpleasant and the defence do not want to trivialise it, but it does not fall into the highest category.”

Judge Altham brought the defence’s attention to teh evidence of psychiatrists that there was a signiciant psychologiy injury caused to Kiena by this attack. Mr Jones went on to say this attack was used as a means by Kiena to end her relationship.

He pointed out how she took steps to rebuild her life and leave Wellings following this assault, including sourcing furniture, viewing a new home and paying off her car. However, the judge asked if it is really mitgation that an attack is so serious a person took those steps.

John Jones, KC, acting as Wellings’ defence barrister, says there should be a reduction for Wellings’ guilty plea in the case of assault on Scott Fletcher. Addressing the offences against Kiena he says the judge must take into account the presistence or otherwise of coercive and controlling behaviour in the case, saying this is a matter for Judge Altham.

Addressing the court, he said: “Some of the evidence in the trial was in the form of texts and WhatsApps between Kiena and her friends and Kiena and the defendant. This was at times a stormy and inconsistent relationship. In the course of this case we saw other material which indicates a different approach.

“We dont say the relationship was coercive. That is the finding of the jury. We don’t say the relationship was coercive throughout. We dont say there were not good and bad times but there was inconsistency from Kiena about her feelings towards the defendant.

“It would be wrong to say over that two and a half year period there was nothing in the way of affection between the couple. It may not have been seen by Kiena’s friends and family but it was seen and demonstrated by Kiena.

“I don’t say the relationship was anything other than a significant coercive and controlling relationship. That is quite clear. But to put it into context we must make it clear there were other times when it was not.”

Judge Altham responded saying there was a pattern of the defendant abusing Kiena then making up and apologising, adding: “Is this not in the very nature of coercive and controlling relationships? Is it not the case that Mr Wellings made Kiena believe everything was her fault, even when he hit her?”

Setting out the circumstances for the assault on Mr Fletcher, Mr Greaney explained that Scott Fletcher had gone to Preston on August 27, 2023, to watch football with friends. He said Ryan Wellings had gone out without money, and was relying on friends for drinks and taxis. The pair caught a taxi home at 2am, then Mr Fletcher asked Wellings to pay him ÂŁ20 for his share of the taxi the next day, and reminded Wellings he still owed him ÂŁ30 from a previous occasion.

Wellings said he felt belittled and punched Mr Fletcher in the face. Mr Fletcher went to hospital with an injury to his eye which was closed with sutures. He reportedly lost around ÂŁ2,000 worth of work as a self-employed plumber.

The day after the incident, Wellings messaged Mr Fletcher and apologised, however Mr Fletcher did not accept the apology and told Wellings their friendship was over. Wellings was arrested and pleaded guilty to ABH. Mr Greaney called it an unprovoked assault which had a substantial impact on Scott Fletcher in terms of his ability to work.

In a moving statement, Kiena’s brother said he ‘blames himself’ for introducing her to Wellings, describing him as a “monster”. He also used his statement to plead with domestic abuse victims to reach out for support.

“I’ve no idea why but I blame myself for what has happened to my sister,” Kynan Dawes said. “I introduced Kiena to this monster, and I will regret that for the rest of my life. I shouldn’t as a brother be blaming myself for someone else’s actions, but I do wish I had put a stop to the relationship and what was happening to Kiena.

“I find it personally disgusting that men hit women, and I hope that the sentence Wellings receives shows people worldwide why this behaviour is not OK. People need to start realising you can’t go round hurting the people you are supposed to love.

“My feelings around what happened to Kiena have been made worse by the fact that Wellings has showed absolutely no remorse for how he treated her. To be honest though this does not shock me. He said he loved her and claimed that he never did anything wrong. However, afterwards all he did was go into protection mode and hide because he knew exactly what he had done. At least now he can spend the rest of his life being viewed as an abuser and person who beats up women.

“I want to acknowledge the people who have followed this case online, on the news and in the papers. I want people to see that domestic violence is not OK and men should respect their partners by showing them nothing but love and kindness. I also want to say to the people who may be suffering domestic violence to seek help and remove yourself from the situation. Go the Police or if you don’t feel you can do this speak to family or friends.”

Describing the aftermath of the July 11 assault on Kiena, her grandmother said it was “extremely shocking” to see her hurt “and with injuries to her beautiful face”. In her victim impact statement she said: “The way she looked on that day is an image I will never forget and it shocked me.”

The grandmother added that she was “sickened” by what she saw and heard as evidence was presented throughout the six-week trial. Continuing: “Hearing what Kiena has been subjected to by Ryan Wellings distressed me that much I have sobbed. I often do this privately as I need to be strong for Angela and the rest of family.”

She went on to say: “I am absolutely broken-hearted that we have lost Kiena and I feel doubly heartbroken because every single day I see my own daughter Angela and the pain she is suffering as aresult of losing Kiena. She has lost her child and to watch my own child going through this is simply unbearable. I can’t fix this or make it better. I simply have to be there. Angela has been through so much to seek justice for Kiena and I worry about the impact this has had on her.

“It also breaks my heart that Kiena’s daughter will grow up without her mummy. She has Kiena’s smile and whenever I see it I get a lump in my throat as it’s like Kiena’s smile is still with us. Kiena was loved by all of her family and friends and I will forever remember the good times. Her death is a huge loss and she will never be forgotten. I just want to tell you Kiena that I love you so much and always will…but you already know that.”

Mr Greaney, KC, also read a victim impact statement from Kiena’s grandmother, Irene Ball, to the court. In it, she said: I am the very proud grandma of Kiena Dawes. In this statement I wish to not only outline the impact that this case has had on me but I also want to tell you about Kiena.

“Kiena was a very beautiful, kind and happy girl. She was one of my five grandchildren and her daughter is my great grandchild. I was extremely close to Kiena and she meant the world to me. Kiena was a really good hairdresser and she would often come to my house to do my hair. She also came to my house twice a week for her tea. I always really looked forward to those visits.

“All Kiena wanted out of life was to be happy. I became aware she was in a relation with Ryan Wellings. I didn’t know him very well and only met him a few times. It was obvious to me that throughout this relationship there were good times but also some very sad times. Kiena had the most beautiful smile, a smile I will never forget. However, during her relationship with Ryan Wellings I could sometimes see beyond her smile. I noticed the times when her smile was false but she also tried to reassure me by saying: “I’m okay grandma.”

“Kiena wasn’t okay but she was selfless. She kept a lot of her anguish to herself and I know she did this to protect me. Kiena was protective over me so she didn’t go into great detail with me about her relationship with Ryan Wellings, but there were times that she did open up to me about the issues with him. Hearing about these issues hurt and upset me. During their relationship she told me that Ryan Wellings had hurt her and she had also told me about the incident involving the drill. I was absolutely horrified

“She was my granddaughter and I loved her and the thought of someone treating her this way is simply too much the bear. She told me about their arguments and she told me in enough detail for me to be really concerned. I told Kiena that he would really badly hurt her one day and I pleaded with her not to go back to him. I asked her what she was waiting for. She always went back to him because all she wanted was to be happy.

“I told Kiena that he would really badly hurt her one day and I pleaded with her not to go back to him. I asked her what she was waiting for. She always went back to him because all she wanted was to be happy.”

The court has heard that Wellings is also being sentenced for another assault on a friend, Scott Fletcher. They had been to Preston in August 2023 with other friends to watch a football match

On the way home, at 2.15am, they had a row over the ÂŁ80 taxi fare back to Lytham St Annes. Wellings said his friend had “belittled” him by asking him to send him ÂŁ20. The court was told he was under the influence of drink and drugs

He punched Mr Fletcher twice in the face, causing a cut above his right eye. Wellings admitted the offence at an earlier hearing.

Angela Dawes said the evidence shown during trial and details of her daughter’s abuse that emerged have been “extremely traumatic”. She explained how during the trial she had to sit by while her daughter’s private life was “pulled apart”, saying Kiena “has been violated.”

In her victim impact statement, she said: “I have had to sit through an almost 6 week trial and watch the private life of my daughter pulled apart and her mental health scrutinised and assessed. She has been violated. There is no other word for it.

“It has also been extremely traumatic for me to see Kiena so upset talking to Police officers and to look back retrospectively at her so helpless in life and reaching out for help, knowing what ultimately happened to her. Watching videos of her crying and upset whilst also pregnant or cuddling her baby has been horrific. It is hard enough to watch videos of her having fun and laughing. Ryan Wellings has put me through all that. He could have pleaded to the offences and we would never have faced all that, with the eyes of the public on us all. This has been a trauma in itself.

“Whenever Wellings is released from prison, I will be extremely concerned that he will do this again, he is a dangerous man. I am at a loss as to consider what impact him being released from prison will have on other women and children. What my future holds now is being strong enough to raise her daughter. I cannot accept what has happened to Kiena and that as a result of this, she is not here. I have been robbed of my daughter.”

Angela Dawes’ statement went on to say: “I feel like I have lived Kiena’s domestic abuse with her, and what I mean by this is that I was her main source of support, and I experienced the full range of emotions that Kiena had to go through with her. I was so scared of saying the wrong thing to Kiena, as I needed her to know that she could come to me anytime and I didn’t want her to close up.

“There were times that I would find out that things had happened a couple of days afterwards, such as the black eye in July 2021, and I know that sometimes Kiena tried to protect me by not saying things. As a mother, you do everything that you can to help your child and I have had to live through watching my daughter tell me that she was terrified and trapped, and when she said these things, it literally took my breath away, as I didn’t know how to help, I felt helpless.

“After an incident with Wellings, Kiena would come to be safe and stay with me, I can only explain that I would see a light coming back on, and that she would get some strength, but Wellings always found a way to take back control and take her strength away. It is heart wrenching to see your child hurt from anything, even by accident, but seeing your daughter hurt by someone else is sickening. Kiena always took my advice, and she always asked for help and she tried to do the right thing.”

In her statement, Kiena’s mum continued: “In terms of my own health, the impact has been significant. In the early days after Kiena’s death, I struggled to function or eat properly. I can still recall now the first time that I left the house with her daughter after she came into my care, I had social anxiety and was fearful of going out and seeing people, it was a huge deal to initially leave the house.

“I have been diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety for which I am supported by my doctor. I have also suffered from frequent nightmares, flash backs to Kiena lying on a train line, and find that simple things like a television programme may trigger memories, due to the story lines or content they may have.

“Prior to the July 2022, I worked and I had actually confided in a couple of colleagues about the impact of the domestic abuse on Kiena. I did not return to work after the 11th of July 2022, when Kiena was last assaulted by Wellings.

“I was told that day that I wouldn’t get paid, as it wasn’t me that was injured. Prior to this at work, I always made sure that I had my phone with me should Kiena need me and I was always checking my phone in case Kiena had rang or messaged me.”

In her victim impact statement, Kiena’s mum, Angela, said: “I have been robbed of watching my daughter live her life, and her baby girl have her Mummy. I will never get to hold any other children that Kiena may have had in the future or watch Kiena live her life as she should have.

“As her daughter grows into a young lady herself, she has been robbed herself of a Mum to go to, or when she has children herself, her own mother to turn to, but I will step into this role for Kiena. I will never be able to live a normal life due to the coercive and controlling behaviour and assaults that Kiena suffered.

“I am worried about the long-term impact of that on her daughter and me through a period of getting her used to men again after she came into my care. I truly believe that a baby should feel safe in their own home, and that this abuse will be life-long lasting for her daughter, as much as her Mummy tried to keep her safe. There were times when Kiena had to flee the house with her daughter because of Welling’s behaviour. Another example is that her daughter has already asked me where her Mummy is. I have found it impossible to answer that question.”

Paul Greaney KC tells the court that although the jury did not convict Wellings of manslaughter, the court should sentence him on the basis his coercive crimes towards Dawes “set the scene for her death”. He said: “Kiena was caused to feel – on many occasions – serious alarm and distress This had a substantial effect on her and caused her significant psychological harm.”

He told the court Kiena sent a message, when she was eight months pregnant, that made it plain he was being violent. It said: “You’ve raised your fist twice to me this week. You’ll never change.”

On the assault, which happened in July 2022, he said; “This represents an exceptionally serious example of an offence of this type. This was violence and psychological abuse of a vulnerable young woman over the course of two years.”

He said Kiena was “obviously vulnerable” as the defendant “well knew”. The assault happened in her home where the baby was present. A door was used and when she asked for his help he refused and blamed her.

A heartwrenching victim imapct statement from Kiena’s mother, Angela Dawes, is read to the court by Mr Greaney, KC. In it, she says: “I have found it almost impossible to put into words just how big of an impact losing Kiena has been. On all her family, her beautiful baby girl and all her friends.

“Kiena was a rare gem. She brought so much love and kindness to this world and to everyone who loved her, she was an extremely beautiful girl, and was quite truly the sweetest kindest and gentlest person I have ever known. Kiena is missed so much every second of every day. Her baby girl was brought to my home a few hours after Kiena was found, and has been in my full time care ever since that tragic day, and I honestly cannot put into words just how much it breaks my heart that her beautiful baby doesn’t have her Mummy here because of that monster.

“I’ll never forget the day when three CID officers came to my house shortly after I lost Kiena. And I simply said “Ryan Wellings killed my baby” and I will fight for her justice. I truly hope that no other young lady or child has to go through what he did to my daughter and her baby. I just wish with all my heart that I could bring her back and say “It is okay, you’re safe now”.

Paul Greaney KC, prosecuting, told Judge Robert Altham, at the start of the hearing: “The court can’t sentence on the basis his conduct caused Kiena’s death, the court can and should sentence the defendant on the bases that it formed the background and set the scene for her death.”

He said the jury’s guilty verdict on coercive and controlling behaviour was an “exceptionally serious” example of such an offence. Mr Greaney added: “It involved actual violence and psychological abuse with violence and bullying of a vulnerable young woman over the course of two years.”

The court heard Wellings had a previous convictions from the age of 16, including for burglary, criminal damage and battering an ex-girlfriend before he met Miss Dawes.

On July 4, just weeks before taking her life, Kiena drove into the back of a car, telling paramedics she forgot she was driving and was thinking about suicide. Wellings had been to the scene of the crash when Kiena spoke to paramedics, with the mum saying at the scene: “My head’s f**ked*”.

Mr Greaney argued Wellings knew about Kiena’s state of mind prior to his July 11 attack on her and her suicide. The defence will argue that the offence does not reach the highest categories. However, Mr Greaney says they fail to recognise the impact of Kiena’s emotionally unstable personality disorder and what the defendant knew about her vulnerability after the July 4 crash.

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