A search for twins who vanished in Aberdeen after leaving behind a mysterious message is underway with police investigating five key clues in a bid to find them.
CCTV shows twins Liza and Henrietta Huszti, both 32, walking along Markey Street at Victoria Bridge at about 2:12am on January 7. They were seen walking across the bridge before turning right onto a footpath next to the River Dee then continuing onward to Aberdeen Boat Club.
Police have deployed drones, sniffer dogs and helicopters in the search to find the twins. They are believed to have possibly entered the river as police have no evidence that they left the area.
Officers have not been able to find any evidence that either sister wanted to harm themselves, reports The Sun.
The twins, originally from Hungary, did not tell their family about a major update regarding their living arrangements. The pair had given their landlady notice about moving away from their Aberdeen home. Liza and Henrietta moved to Scotland six years ago.
Their landlord shared concerns after finding many of the twins personal possessions inside the property. The twins also took only one of their phones out with them and left the other in the flat when they disappeared.
Their brother Jozsef told the BBC that the family were completely unaware about them leaving one phone behind and added everything appeared normal. “We don’t understand this whole thing,” he said.
“That they wrote a message to their landlady, that they wanted to immediately end their tenancy agreement. We didn’t have any information about that. So that’s the strange thing, that the girls didn’t tell us anything about that.”
He said the sisters, who were two of triplets, did not share any financial issues with the family and had, in fact, been saving up to by their own property. The sister’s other triplet Edit Huszti said she spoke to her sisters on New Year’s Eve and that they appeared in good spirit.
Another clue that police are pursuing is claims that screams were heard close to the River Dee, which had an unpaved path covered in ice, around the time the twins disappeared. Despite the noise, police said they do not believe anyone else is connected with their disappearance.
Police Scotland has worked with counterparts in Hungary to support their relatives who still live in the country. The family previously released a statement to police, stating: “This has been a very worrying and upsetting time for our family.
“We are really worried about Eliza and Henrietta and all we want is for them to be found. If you think you might have any information which could help the police with finding Eliza and Henrietta then please pass this on as quickly as you can. We appreciate all the support our family has been given over the past few days and we would like our privacy to be respected at this time.”
David Howieson, a superintendent with Police Scotland said earlier this week: “There was an indication from the person from whom they rent a flat who had concerns that they left the flat and indicated they intended to move.”
An investigation into the disappearance is ongoing. The Mirror has contacted Police Scotland for comment.
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