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‘Human Barbie’ obsessed with staying young forever gets blood transfusion from own son


A “human barbie” who is obsessed with staying young forever claims she is getting a blood transfusion from her 23-year-old son to remain “ageless”.

Marcela Iglesias, 47, has spent £80,000 on cosmetic procedures and generally opts for non-invasive injectable treatments, but she has decided to try something different for 2025. In a bid to ‘reverse ageing’, she is reportedly planning to receive a blood transfusion from her son, Rodrigo, claiming a transfer of blood from a younger person can rejuvenate cells.

When presented with the idea, Marcela says Rodrigo was more than happy to be a part of her mission to stay forever young. He is apparently not only sharing his blood with his mum but also doing a transfusion with his grandmother, Graciela, aged 75.

“Blood transfusion is the new era of maintaining young cells in your system especially when it comes from your own son or daughter,” Marcela, who lives in Los Angeles, told What’s The Jam. “Since I tried stem cell therapy I started to dig more into healing from the inside out. 

There can be many benefits from the cells of a younger donor, especially if the donor is my own son. I’m currently searching for a doctor that will perform the treatment in Los Angeles. Rodrigo is very aware of how the procedure is performed and all the benefits of it.

“He is willing to go through with it. He is excited about the idea of helping his grandmother, too. Blood transfusions bring fresh red blood cells to carry oxygen through your body. Plasma carries proteins and clotting factors, perfect for helping with bleeding or healing.

“I have been told that your body welcomes this boost like a traveller quenched by a sip of water after a long journey. At the end, I should be left feeling stronger, steadier and more supported.” It is claimed that the procedure can also benefit a person’s internal organs, promoting cell repair, reducing inflammation and improving kidney, heart and lung function.

The blood transfusion will take anywhere between one and four hours, with the plasma transfusion being complete in 30 minutes to two hours. It is important that those involved have compatible blood types and a nurse will monitor the process.

Marcela, who is originally from Argentina but has lived in Hollywood for decades, said: “It’s not just a procedure – it’s a gift shared by a quiet moment of healing in your own personal story. I’m not sure whether I will require multiple sessions just yet. This will depend on the result of the first session and how my mother and I feel after the treatment.”

In 2019, the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) warned people that treatments such as “using plasma from young donors have not gone through rigorous testing that the FDA normally requires in order to confirm the therapeutic benefit of a product and to ensure its safety.” The statement added: “As a result, the reported uses of these products should not be assumed to be safe or effective.”

Marcela – who also runs her own business – previously revealed that she spends £780 a month on IVs, wellness injections, vitamins and creams. She also shared a photo of herself from her teenage years showing that she appears to have barely aged a day in the past 30 years.

As well as undergoing various treatments, Marcela follows a strict diet and daily routine. She doesn’t consume soy products, alcohol, fizzy or sugary drinks and eats a pescatarian diet. The influencer also exercises for at least an hour a day and always gets eight hours sleep per night.

Marcela added: “When people find out I have a 23-year-old son [Rodrigo], they say I am far too young to be a mum. People constantly ask me what I do to stay looking so young. I have to tell them the truth – even though they may do all the treatments that I have done, sometimes plastic surgery is the only solution. It feels great that people recognise the work that I have put in. Everything that you put in your body will reflect on the outside so it’s very important to treat the inside as well as you can, too.”

Marcela plans to have the procedure done in early 2025 and is currently searching for a doctor in her area to perform the treatment for herself and her mother.

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