Linda Robson dramatically declared to her fellow panellists: “That’s it, I’m gone, I ain’t talking to you no more, I’m out of here,” before making a swift exit from the ITV show on Monday.
The 66-year-old was part of Monday’s (January 13) line-up alongside host Jane Moore, Brenda Edwards, and Janet Street-Porter when the chat took a bitter turn during a discussion on: Is it ever ok to throw a strop?
Janet confessed to frequently losing her cool, recalling an instance during her MasterChef stint when she finished second – though her tantrum never made it to air.
On the other hand, Brenda tried to argue that throwing a strop was merely “showing passion”, at which point Linda chimed in with a reminder of Brenda’s huff at the National TV Awards.
Linda recounted how Brenda had splashed out on a bottle of Malbec wine at the awards ceremony but was fuming after the Birds Of A Feather star began to share out a small amount with everyone present, leading to a spat between the co-stars, reports the Liverpool Echo.
“She said, ‘That bottle cost me £85’,” Linda fumed, complaining about Brenda’s reluctance to share. Janet jumped to Brenda’s defence, stating, “Don’t feel sorry for her. ”
The broadcast journalist pointed out that Brenda’s hard-earned money had bought the pricey wine before bluntly telling Linda, “That’s why I don’t socialise with you.”
“The one and only time I will ever want to go out with you,” retorted the renowned sitcom actress. Jane tried to defuse the situation, joking that their squabble would likely make headlines, much to the amusement of all.
The star of I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! was setting the scene for what was to come on the show when Linda playfully decided to walk off.
Slamming her hands down, she exclaimed: “That’s it, I’m gone, I ain’t talking to you no more, I’m out of here,” in a stunt reminiscent of Good Morning Britain’s very own Piers Morgan, as she theatrically stormed off set.
As Linda strutted off stage, the production team swiftly switched to the ad breaks. When the programme resumed, any mention of the comical walkout had disappeared, with the Birds Of A Feather icon settled back comfortably in her chair.
Loose Women airs on ITV1, from 12:30pm.
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